Welcome to Progator
Progator is an analytics tool for aggregating and deobfuscating stacktraces recorded through Google Analytics. If you use the Analytics SDK plus Proguard for your Android app, Progator will help to interpret the stacktraces you receive from crash/exception reports.
For example, Analytics may give each of these stacktraces in a similar format, which are difficult to deobfuscate:
[] | 1. NullPointerException (@bo:onCreate:114) {main} | 21 (23%)
[] | 2. NullPointerException (@dw:run:42) {Thread-23} | 18 (20%)
It isn't easy to copy these lines, numbered and all, into Proguard, and the Proguard retrace tool is unable to interpret this format anyway.
The goal of Progator is to bridge this gap by first bringing these traces to a separate online spreadsheet. The Proguard-obfuscated traces can then be converted into a Proguard-readable format for easy debofuscation. The converted traces can either be copied into Proguard for deobfuscation, or a server tool can be used to deobfuscate from within the spreadsheet.

Visit the Chrome Web Store to install Progator (for free!).
You can also download our server tool for automatically deobfuscating stacktraces from the security of your own private server.